Title: Love doesn’t always show up as a hug … that is something family might say! Lucky you, that is who we have on the couch today: the Wrighster and the Drummond/Baker families … sharing their entrepreneurial journeys from beginnings to extraordinary heights. George F was an “Average Joe” with a dream … 15 years as a Nike & Adidas selected coach to best-selling Author, to life lessons coach & podcaster. George III retired from the NFL at age 30 without a plan B, but fame found him again, this time in broadcasting. Radio & TV positions followed by his own podcast & website platform: The Unafraid Show. Here people speak truth, authentically, honestly, and without fear. Ocean, at age 19, is a GenZ on the cusp of his entrepreneurial trajectory. Set to launch his original Fashion & Art company Natsukashii, his star is just beginning to rise. Stay tuned as he stays true to his artistic journey and keeps going, no matter what comes.