Have you ever dreamed of being an entrepreneur but haven’t taken the leap to start your own business? Listen to our panel of seven entrepreneurs who’ve built businesses that fund their dream lives. Whether you’re a parent who wants the freedom to put family first, an employee who wants to get off the corporate ladder, a creative who wants to profit from your natural talents or anything else, today’s guests will inspire you to go for it!
Mission Accepted Podcast: Multiply Your Income with Darren Darnborough
If you’ve ever wondered whether you should focus your efforts on one thing or pursue multiple interests, today’s show is for you! Deb interviews British film and TV actor, director, entrepreneur and host of the We Audition Show, Darren Darnborough, whose screen work includes hit shows True Blood and 2 Broke Girls. No one knows the need to diversify income more than an actor, a career in which income can be sporadic. That’s why Darren has always had a business that runs parallel to his acting career. Listen for Darren’s tips on blending two passions to multiply your income and the valuable lesson he learned over dinner with Richard Branson.
Mission Accepted Podcast: Supercharge your body with Dale Kobialko
Aging doesn’t have to be so painful and healing doesn’t have to take so long! That’s today’s message from Scientist, Teacher and Registered Massage Therapist, Dale Kobialko. Listen as he shares his 20 years of experience in managing the aches and pains from aging and injury. Learn how scientific research in Pulsed Electromagnetic Fields technology has changed Dale’s life and discover how you can reshape how you heal by supercharging your body’s capabilities.
Family Ties, Business Strides
Deb Drummond and Her Son Ocean are Featured On The Empowerment Reimagined Podcast!
Hosted By Brenda Lynn Jacobson
The world is transforming and a brilliant future awaits all of us. The challenge is how do we embrace it and accelerate its arrival. Empowerment Reimagined will introduce you to a variety of experts, in every realm of life, to bring in new levels of personal power and ease your journey into this incredible new world.
In this episode, Brenda is joined by a powerful mom-son team who have mastered to art of empowerment within the complexities of a mulit-dimensional relationship.
Deb Drummond and Ocean Baker have turned their family ties into dynamic business strides.
Listen now:
Master Free and Low-Cost Media Strategies with Deb Drummond | Talking with Teri TV
Join us for an engaging episode as we sit down with the dynamic Deb Drummond! Deb is a trailblazer in the entrepreneurial world, known for her expertise in direct sales, wellness, and intuitive guidance. In this episode, she shares her top tips on how to get media exposure for free or at a low cost. Discover her journey, secrets to success, and how she continues to inspire others to achieve their dreams.
Mission Accepted Podcast: Familial Entrepreneurship with George F, George III, and Ocean
Title: Love doesn’t always show up as a hug … that is something family might say! Lucky you, that is who we have on the couch today: the Wrighster and the Drummond/Baker families … sharing their entrepreneurial journeys from beginnings to extraordinary heights. George F was an “Average Joe” with a dream … 15 years as a Nike & Adidas selected coach to best-selling Author, to life lessons coach & podcaster. George III retired from the NFL at age 30 without a plan B, but fame found him again, this time in broadcasting. Radio & TV positions followed by his own podcast & website platform: The Unafraid Show. Here people speak truth, authentically, honestly, and without fear. Ocean, at age 19, is a GenZ on the cusp of his entrepreneurial trajectory. Set to launch his original Fashion & Art company Natsukashii, his star is just beginning to rise. Stay tuned as he stays true to his artistic journey and keeps going, no matter what comes.
Mission Accepted Podcast: Seize the Moment with LeVelle & Ocean
You can make a life with your creative genius! Levelle Browning has proven this with music. It is
about the passion, and doesn’t come overnight, but as Kansas City’s R&B and Neo-Soul
singer/songwriter Levelle Browning aka LeVelle, aka Levellebkc says, “they can’t keep inviting
you to dinner without giving you a plate”! When that moment appears, you must be ready. As
he has just dropped his sophomore album Promise To Love, his star is brightly shining. He seized
the moment, followed his passion and love, and was happily surprised by success. His tips: play
on all platforms, incorporate your fans, get back to LOVE, respect in/respect out, and stay
authentic as you rise. Ocean Baker’s star is rising as well … in streetwear Fashion and original
NatsukashiiINK is THE BRAND to watch. His gifts, recognized and fostered from a young age,
are gaining strength and momentum as he matures into this dynamic space and releases his
creative genius as well. It’s time to seize the moment!
Mission Accepted Podcast: Health Drop #7 with Ramin Rasavar – Blood Sugar & Cortisol
Metabolic Balance or homeostasis is a strong foundation for health and vitality of every system in our body. We know that proper nutrition and exercise are essential requirements for optimum physical and mental wellbeing. The topic today centers around Blood Sugar and the hormones Cortisol, Insulin & Glucagon and the dietary stressors and other culprits that upset their balance.
The body’s vital response to threat, termed “Fight or Flight” is not required as often as the body thinks! Expert trainer Ramin Rasavar shares tips, clever analogies, and easy steps anyone can incorporate to keep blood sugar and stress levels in check.
He has Accepted the Mission of preparing Deb and Corrine for their upcoming “They Did It Tour – Two Women Walking & Rocking” their way across Ireland in the summer of 2024! Behind the excitement of this HUGE undertaking is necessary TRAINING, and with that has come education! Ramin and Deborah are here to share this wealth of knowledge in bite-sized offerings. Your body WILL thank you.
Mission Accepted Podcast: Capturing the Moments with Dee Lippingwell
It all started in the 1970’s with Dee Lippingwell’s LOVE of Pink Floyd and her desire to photographically record their concert for her own personal enjoyment. Turns out she had a knack for capturing that “je ne sais quoi” that every artist wants to portray, and every club owner wants to sell. She went on to shoot practically every Rock and Roll legend from the 70’s to the millennium using the required “first 3 songs and no flash” stipulation. Despite the excellence of her work, she was still a female photographer in a male dominated world. She had to get creative to help navigate the thin times, and her resourcefulness and sheer skill carried her to the top of her profession. She shares the thrill of seeing images emerge in her dark room … the music she had felt inside transcended to a photograph … as well as a few stories from the other side of the curtain. This show is a must watch, and Dee is a national treasure to be acknowledged and enjoyed!
Mission Accepted Podcast: Being Curious with Kelly Wagner
If you want to jump, JUMP, and Media Maven Kelly Wagner is going to show you how! Kelly grew up in an entrepreneurial home, and she learned a thing or two by watching her father … #1 hire a bookkeeper, #2 hire a lawyer! When she and her husband decided to take a leap of faith and go into business together, more was required. Communication & connection are essential, and courageous conversations needed to be handled as cleanly and kindly as possible. By mastering these, they have been able to dance between sales & production, radio & streaming, digital & print, and honor all the ways that people digest media. Today, she shares top 5 things to do to achieve a higher yield. Be prepared, be curious, be honest, be transformed.