These incredible stories of how these entrepreneurs achieved their dreams and lifestyle are absolutely achievable and relatable for everyone… especially you!
No matter if you’re new or seasoned in this business, these top secrets will make building your business easier, faster, with more joy and less frustration.
As with everything in life, if you had the insider’s secrets, tools, systems, and a path of success to follow, wouldn’t it make sense to use it?
That’s what this book delivers.
The inspirational and powerful stories that these women and couples openly share will supercharge your belief in this industry, but most importantly, in yourself.
Here’s to the incredible success you’ll achieve in your business and making an impact in your life and in the lives of so many others.
Featuring chapters written by Faith Gallatin, Cindy Hafenbrack, Maria Bianchi, Kathy Henken, Jody Maley, Jeri Taylor-Swade, Darlene Neufeld, Chandra Dubay, Natalie Foeller, Geralyn Schulkind, Brenda Pearce, Kate Moir, Janice Porter, Karen Heinemann, Sharon Mefford, Melanie Booher, Danika Adamthwaite, Deb Drummond, Gregory and Robin Blanc Mascari, Mark and Jeanine McCool, Ken and Michelle Rolfsness, Sarah Lovely and Robin Younge, Brenda Lee Gallatin.