Deborah Drummond
Thank you for reading this introduction to Opal Intuitive Services. My goal is to give you a deeper understanding of intuitive services and how they can touch all areas of your life.
A growing number of people are working with intuitive advisors to help make crucial business and life decisions. Perhaps you are about to make a big move in your career, you are in the process of hiring and need to know whether someone is right for your team, or you need perspective on an important personal relationship. Whether the issue is personal in nature or related to business strategy, health, real estate, or otherwise, I welcome the opportunity to offer you intuitive solutions.
I have had the honour of participating in several unique strategic team projects as well as working with clients one on one. My goal is to save my clients time and money with less effort, by advising them on issues that are critical to the successful outcomes they seek.
This work has allowed me to travel to distant places, make lifelong clients and friends, teach, learn, and encourage clients to understand their circumstance in new ways. With only a few weeks of advice, time and again, their lives are deeply impacted. When I reflect on this, I realize how truly blessed I am.
One of the greatest joys of my profession is the relationships I have created with clients and the satisfaction of achieving their goals along with them. So the next time you have a question or want to take a step in a new direction, I invite you to call me.
It might seem a bit out of place to see a page designated to relationships when dealing with business but let me assure you that the relationships you have with people at the office, or the people you surround yourself with on a personal basis, do affect your level of achieved success.
It is extremely important to have clarity regarding the people you are choosing to surround yourself with. In this area we can discuss, and get clear on, who you should be working with, who would be best to bring into each project, and who should not be working on a current or upcoming project. We can discuss, in depth, if there will be unforeseen challenges that apply to both your personal and/or business relationships. We can look to see if someone should or shouldn’t be retained. Suppliers, project managers, banks, receptionists, personal assistants, to name a few can, to varying degrees, affect the success of what you are trying to achieve. We can look at the assets and deficits that the people you are looking to hire will bring to the table. We can also look at the relationships outside of work to gain better clarity in that area of your life.
I am very sincere in seeing my clients living the best life possible. It is with the utmost sincerity that I am willing to help with relationships of a personal nature. Life is about living and loving and if I can advise you in this area, to make your life better, personally as well as professionally, then I would be happy to help. I have helped many singles and couples with advise to better their situation or to get a different perspective on it. Offering the same to you, with similar results, would be my pleasure.

“When I went to see Deborah I was confused and feeling lost as what to do next. I was married and was having questions about what my marriage meant, why it was so hard and what to do next. I felt like we had tried everything that we both could do to make it better and it was time for some insight. Deborah was sincere and graceful with us both, it was clear to us she had our best interests at heart and really cared about our lives together, our family, our future and the state that both of us were feeling.. She was honest about what was going on and opened up a way of thinking that both of us had never known before. We saw things about each other that we had not known even though we had been together for over 10 years.
Deborah’s guidance seemed to just pour out of her it felt right and authentic. After those three hours we spent with Deb, both my husband and myself felt a sense of renewal that we were so ready to feel. I have to say in those next few days after her session we felt like it was our honeymoon again, that session was over 9 years ago and yes we are still together.
Thank you Deb P.S. I have recommended Deb to many of my single friends to help with RELATIONSHIPS when they are ready to find true love, the results have been amazing!”
– Beverly W, Canada