Deborah Drummond
Thank you for reading this introduction to Opal Intuitive Services. My goal is to give you a deeper understanding of intuitive services and how they can touch all areas of your life.
A growing number of people are working with intuitive advisors to help make crucial business and life decisions. Perhaps you are about to make a big move in your career, you are in the process of hiring and need to know whether someone is right for your team, or you need perspective on an important personal relationship. Whether the issue is personal in nature or related to business strategy, health, real estate, or otherwise, I welcome the opportunity to offer you intuitive solutions.
I have had the honour of participating in several unique strategic team projects as well as working with clients one on one. My goal is to save my clients time and money with less effort, by advising them on issues that are critical to the successful outcomes they seek.
This work has allowed me to travel to distant places, make lifelong clients and friends, teach, learn, and encourage clients to understand their circumstance in new ways. With only a few weeks of advice, time and again, their lives are deeply impacted. When I reflect on this, I realize how truly blessed I am.
One of the greatest joys of my profession is the relationships I have created with clients and the satisfaction of achieving their goals along with them. So the next time you have a question or want to take a step in a new direction, I invite you to call me.
There are many different aspects of your career that we can explore together.
For some people it comes down to making a decision about whether to stay or to leave a career, or to remain at a certain workplace, or perhaps whether or not to take a position with the same company in another part of the world. Sometimes it’s navigating the idea of starting your own business or company and detailing all that’s entailed regarding making the right decisions in order to succeed. I can’t overstate how much money, time and energy a person can save making the right decisions from the start instead of having to rethink decisions and then start over again. For some people it will be around finances and career, and wanting to know if the career they have or the company they work for will give them the lifestyle they desire. We might discuss the best timing for you to approach your superior for an increase in salary, promotions, etc. Others feel like they’re just not happy with what they are doing career-wise and can’t seem to unleash what it is that they are really supposed to be doing – this is an area that we can explore to help you reveal what would ultimately make you happy, fulfilled and complete.

“When I went to Deborah for advise on my career I had no idea what I was going to hear. I knew something needed to change and that I felt stuck on what that change should or could be. I was, to be honest a little nervous I didnt know if I was supposed to completely change my career or stay in my field. I didnt know if I should leave my profession all together or even go out on my own and start my own company. I was happily surprised, Deborah made it all very simple and very clear on exactly what I needed to do, she laid out the most advantageous time frame in which to approach my superiors and assured me the changes that I thought were needed were and she walked me through which ones were right for me, my future and the best financial outcome for my family. I felt a great sense of relief after my session with Deborah.
It has know been over a year since that reading and I can assure you going to see her was one of the best choices I made for my career. From that day on when I need some insight or a second opinion on something as important as my career I simply put in a call to Deb.”
– Lorraine M Vancouver, BC.