BASIC Exposure Experience Price: USD 250
It consists of a picture or logo and business contact details. Deborah will:
- If you offer a product or service that Deborah can wear, use or be in service of, she will endorse it by using, wearing, or experiencing; please keep in mind this may or may not be possible due to various reasons. Whenever possible, she will.
Starter Exposure Experience Price: USD 500
It consists of a paragraph description of your business and your offer with a picture or logo and business contact details. Deborah will:
- Mention you in an interview 1/year
- Mention you in a social media posting 1/year
- Mention you in social media live 1/year
- Interview you on her #Mission Accepted Podcast for 50% off.
- If you offer a product or service that Deborah can wear, use or be in service of, she will endorse it by using, wearing, or experiencing; please keep in mind this may or may not be possible due to various reasons. Whenever possible, she will.
“All In Glory Glory Experience Exposure”: Price: USD 700
It consists of a 2-3 paragraphs description of your business and your offer, two pictures, your logo, business contact details, an offering, and website click-through. Deborah will:
- Mention you in an interview 3/year
- Mention you in a social media posting 3/year
- Mention you in social media live 3/year
- One free Interview with you on her #Mission Accepted Podcast and 50% off for second and third interviews at any time throughout the year. This is great to align with timelines of launches or promotions.
- If you offer a product or service that Deborah can wear, use or be in service of, she will endorse it by using, wearing, or experiencing; please keep in mind this may or may not be possible due to various reasons. Whenever possible, she will.
For both of our sakes:
Please note that if anyone who has found you on my site contacts me with an experience less than listed, I will forward the comment to you to connect and correct the situation.
If I get three complaints, this is enough for me to break the contract of your listing on my site. I will inform you and allow you to amend the situation, but if I find that this cannot be mended and is causing harm to my name, you’ll be removed from the site with no refund of any monies.
My reputation, like yours, is critical to the success of our businesses and we need to protect the name against any misfortune.
I am here to work through situations, and I understand you can’t make everyone happy. I am reasonable.
I am known for striving for empowerment and equality; therefore, no derogatory statements or discrimination of gender, sexual orientation, race, religion, or any other will be tolerated and can’t be aligned with my site.
If I see this happening, again with a conversation, we may find that parting ways would be best for both businesses, and no form of payment will be reimbursed.