The belief that to be a leader, whether male or female, you must be born with innate traits is not
true. If you are passionate and see a need for Change, you can be the Agent to make it happen.
We all have leadership qualities and can also learn to be more effective. Women often are
empathetic, collaborative, strong communicators, wear different hats, and consider different
points of view. They are adaptable, resilient and tend to be more humble, authentic, and not as
ego driven. These qualities all support the role of servant leader – someone who prioritizes the
needs and well-being of those they are leading. Scientific research has also shown that women
use both hemispheres of their brain when problem solving as compared to the single
hemispheric activity evident with focused, linear, rational, problem-solving men. Take the time
for self-reflection. Ask yourself what you are passionate about, or good at, and then speak to
your truth and have your voice heard.
Mission Accepted Podcast: The Business of Beauty with Amanda May
OG Beauty Boss Amanda May brings decades of experience and connections into the world of the beauty industry … yet she feels like she is just getting started. It seems the more you learn, the more you need to know. Her journey has been full of ups and downs, realizing that the elegant relationship between inner and outer beauty is more than skin deep. It is essential to know who you really are, your INNER beauty, and then OUTER beauty is just an enhancement. Take the time to develop this inner foundation and find what speaks to your soul. Other mic drops: stay aligned to your core values, be patient, have a clear roadmap so you can create from intention. Have clear direction but remain flexible to give your spirit room to move. What is meant for you will come back around!
Mission Accepted Podcast: Brand Benefits with Trish Springsteen
To be a successful entrepreneur, you must be distinct. You must stand out from the herd. Whatever makes you different doesn’t have to relate to your business. Be Bold. Believe in who you are. Build your brand on authenticity, unique elements, be true to yourself, and be genuine. People will remember you because of your brand. Own your uniqueness. Turn your passion into your greatest asset. Be empowered to boldly state: “Here I am. I am unique, and I enjoy every moment of my life!” Be comfortable, confident, and your brilliantly expansive self.
Mission Accepted Podcast: Be at the Table (Not on the Menu) with Dr. Viola Pierce
Empowering nurses to venture into entrepreneurship and monetize their knowledge is Dr. Viola Pierce’s God-given directive. She shares that blending the compassionate art of nursing with an understanding of the dynamic world of business has the potential to create a life of success, fulfilment, and financial freedom. Enter the Millionaire Nurse CEO conferences! Similar to being in a sound bath, these conferences are an experience like no other. Participants can get nuggets, network, be with their people, AND with people that are smarter than them.
Mission Accepted Podcast: Find Your Essence with Dr. Doreen Downing
Just as Michaelangelo’s chisel freed David from the block of marble, we all must dig deep and find the strength that is uniquely ours. That is our ESSENCE. Give it a voice, and you will change your life! Once you learn to be still, be present, and drop down into your grounding truth, the authentic speaker in you will be more fully expressed. Life is your stage; you need your SELF to be engaged. Nothing in the past is bad, it is all for a reason. Reframe from shame to courage. Dissolve fear, brave up and DO IT. Tap into your inner strength and be empowered.
Mission Accepted Podcast: Conversations With Warrior Women Podcast with Liz Svatek
Today Liz is interviewing Deb Drummond, ultrapreneur, speaker, coach and founder of the 262 International Women’s Day Summits. Today we ask the question: What if we treated international women day… Like mothers day. With the same level of importance and care. Liz and Deb are talking about being ultraprenuers, how to bring women together and amplify their voices, and why you need to take action on International Women’s Day. Until we are all free…all women everywhere…. no one is free. We have more work to do. If you’re looking for inspiration this is your episode! Share with your favorite women.
Mission Accepted Podcast: Starting Over Series with Molly Anne Summers
There is excitement in starting over! Epigenetics Energy Healer & Life Coach, Molly Anne shares the joy in her journey and the importance of re-discovering your self. You are more than what you did, you have a purpose. Take your knowledge, experience, and gifts and pay them forward. It is important to have a sense of direction, to determine what matters and how to implement that going forward. On a completely different level, starting over means looking at our DNA. We can’t eliminate the past, but we can understand why we do what we do by looking at generational triggers from a genetic perspective. It’s the programming that has been running the game, however, when we have clarity, we can course correct. Be the beacon. Weather the storms. Shine brighter.
Mission Accepted Podcast: The Mission Possible with Jennifer Hough Hang on!
We are talking physics today with Jennifer Hough, President, Speaker & Author at The Wide Awakening. She is excited about times of great change and sees them as times to thrive and be energetically resilient. They are times to catch up to the solution, get to the level of confidence and flow, and develop to a place of being a difference maker. Follow the laws of physics and #1: find a mood that aligns with the solution and then have that be your consistent state of being, #2: train yourself to be vigilant about future activation … consistently talk about your day as if it has already happened, in the right way, and #3: be vigilant daily about what is working. The issue is never the issue. The issue is that you made it the issue! Get out of your own way, come down to the smallest particle of who we are, and affect the operating system of the universe, for better.
Mission Accepted Podcast with Michelle Nedelec, Jane Anyango Odongo, Kim Dechaine, Christina Sommers, Christine Blanchette
FIVE powerhouse Women from the 262 Project chat with Deb about their superpowers in business and womanhood! Michelle Nedelec from Alberta, Canada Jane Anyango Odongo from Nairobi, Kenya Kim Dechaine from Alberta, Canada Christina Sommers from Virginia, USA Christine Blanchette from British Columbia, Canada
Mission Accepted Podcast: New Beginnings with Celine O’Donovan
On the surface, Galway City’s Celine O’Donovan looked like she had it all. However, facing a devastating diagnosis of cancer began a whole new journey of falling apart, falling into her self and waking up. What followed was RELIEF. Powerful realizations came that there is a greater Spiritual Force that wants the best for us. We are always HELD. We are always SHOWN the next step when we give space, slow down, and listen. What’s in us will naturally bubble up. You don’t “have to”, you COULD acknowledge that no experience is wasted, make choices that honour your heart and soul (despite the challenges), and awaken to who YOU are and your potential in life. Everyone needs to shine their light.